Twining Silk: Link-weaving the Energetic Body

A day of 'hands language' teaching, careful fine-tuning of connectivity

Sunday 16th September 2012 10.30 - 17.00 £50

I am attempting to find a good way of teaching, one that will push the student to take initiative, for without the lonely effort exerted by the individual, there will not be enough progress over the years.

The lecture is one
The practice is a thousand
TaijiQuan is a precise and delicate art.  It develops the soft energetic body.  The technique of Chansijin, Twining Silk, creates resilient strength and abundance of energy.  Chan is the action of twining, something turning around itself.  Si means silk.  Jin means refined power.  Chansijin is the spiralling power that emerges from chansi.

The programme will be ZhanZhuang the standing qigong, Chansigong the twining exercises, LaoJia 'Pound Mortar' and XinJia 'Wild Horse Parts its Mane'.

To book or for more information, please send email to kinthissa 'at' or an SMS to 07736 073100