home Kinthissa taiji

forging and dredging the pathways

Twining Silk : Link-weaving the Energetic Body

22nd to 28th August 2013

Daily input of 'hands language' teaching in the tranquillity of Holy Isle.

TaijiQuan (T'aichi Ch'uan) is a precise and delicate art, which when practised correctly develops the soft energetic body.  The essence of the technique lies in the Twining Silk exercises.  The taiji body in an ever-changing pattern of connected turnings draws forth from within a resilient strength and an abundance of energy.

Twining Silk ~ Chansijin ~ takes its name from the movement of the silkworm as it makes silk.  Chan is the action of twining, something turning around itself.  Si means silk.  Jin means refined power.  Chansijin is the spiralling power that emerges from chansi.

The six days will be devoted to careful fine-tuning and integration of posture and connectivity, alignment and flow.  Teaching via 'hands language', Kinthissa will assist in the process of forging and dredging the energetic pathways of the body.  The Qigong of ZhanZhuang, where the individual becomes the Standing Pole that connects Earth and Sky, will be at the heart of each day's practice.

The Peace Hall will allow immersion in LaoJia 'Old Frame', the matrix (mother-form) of the taiji forms in existence today.  Last year we were in the Library and space was limited.  This year we will be in the Peace Hall and it will be possible to accommodate more participants, including people entirely new to this practice.  The spacious hall will allow small groups to work alongside, and Kinthissa will help as needed participants at all levels.  For hands-on instruction, there is an optimum number for a group; last year the list filled almost immediately and regrettably several people could not be given a place, so if you are interested for 2013, please make your enquiries early.

Kinthissa was apprenticed to Gerda Geddes, UK pioneer of Yang Style TaijiQuan.  In 1995, after 19 years of study and teaching, she met Chen XiaoWang, the leading exponent of Chen Style, under whom she has trained intensively up to the present time.  Guided by his 'hands language' teaching, she has come to focus increasingly on the structural reality of fundamental Taiji principles.

Costs : the course fee is £240.  Accommodation for 6 nights, with 3 wholesome vegetarian meals with daily produce from the magical gardens, is £282 in a single room, £216 in twin room, or £168 in dorm, payable to Holy Isle on arrival.  The course starts in the evening of 22 August and ends after lunch on 28 August 2013.

Holy Isle can also cater for non-taiji companions, who are most welcome.  The island with its gardens offers vibrant tranquillity.

To book, please send a message to [email protected]

For information about Holy Isle, please visit www.holyisle.org